
Instructions for use

Important! Read the instructions from start to finish, and then act! Good luck!

How to work?

You will need a downloaded project. In the instabot/examples/ folder there are scripts for work.

How do I run the script?

Open the command line, use cd to go to the project directory, namely instabot/examples. Type.

python param

Where name is the name of the script, param is the required parameter for running the script. Not all scripts need a parameter.

How do I know if I need an input parameter for a script?

Run the script by typing.


If there are no necessary parameters, the script will stop and display an error. Example. Run the script.


The script stops and displays a message:

error: the following arguments are required: hashtags.

That is, we had to enter a hashtag. Correct example:

python follow

All inclusive is a script that contains all the functions. The first time you run it, you will be prompted to configure the script. Script settings are stored in the setting.txt file. Also files will be created: hashtag_file.txt, users_file.txt, whitelist.txt, blacklist.txt, comment.txt.


Yes, there is a script that rounds up subscribers and subscriptions of certain people around the clock, and also likes photos by nickname and hashtag. All this allows the script -, which is in the instabot/examples/ultimate folder. The folder also contains other text files for running the script. In these files, each new parameter needs to be written from a new line.


Also there is a script that will work around the clock, BUT this script will act according to plan. This script is in the instabot/examples/ultimate_schedule folder. You can open the code with any editor and fix it. This will be easy, since there are comments in important parts of the code.

How to configure the script correctly

To ensure that your account has not been banned, you need to configure the script Example. Suppose we need to keep photos on the hashtag every minute. First of all, time in seconds. Open with a text editor. Find such lines (approximately so they should look).

bot = Bot()
bot.login(username=args.u, password=args.p,

Next in line.

bot = Bot()

We need to write a parameter in parentheses. This parameter is like_delay. This parameter needs to be set to 60, since we need every minute the bot to be happy with the photo on the hashtag. In the end, it will look like this.

bot = Bot(like_delay=60)
bot.login(username=args.u, password=args.p,

Parameter List

parameter description example
proxy Proxy for Instabot None
max_likes_per_day How many likes the bot will perform per day 1000
max_unlikes_per_day How many medias the bot will unlike in a day 1000
max_follows_per_day Max number of follow per day 350
max_unfollows_per_day Max number of unfollow per day 350
max_comments_per_day Max number of comments per day 100
max_likes_to_like If the media has more likes then this value - it will be ignored and not be liked 200
filter_users Filter users if True True
max_followers_to_follow If the user has more followers than this value - the user will not be followed or liked. 2000
min_followers_to_follow If the user has fewer followers than this value - the user will not be followed or liked. 10
max_following_to_follow If the user has more followings than this value - the user will not be followed or liked. 10000
min_following_to_follow If the user has fewer followings than this value - the user will not be followed or liked. 10
max_followers_to_following_ratio if the user’s followers/following is greater than this value - the user will not be followed or liked. 10
max_following_to_followers_ratio if user’s following/followers is greater than this value - he will not be followed or liked. 2
min_media_count_to_follow If the user has fewer media count than this value - the user will not be followed. 3
max_following_to_block If the user have a following more than this value - the user will be blocked in blocking scripts because he is a massfollower 2000
max_likes_to_like Max number of likes that can media have to be liked 100
like_delay Delay between likes in seconds 10
unlike_delay Delay between unlikes in seconds 10
follow_delay Delay between follows in seconds 30
unfollow_delay Delay between unfollows in seconds 30
comment_delay Delay between comments in seconds 60
whitelist Path to the file with users that shouldn’t be unfollowed “whitelist.txt”
blacklist Path to the file with users that shouldn’t be followed, liked or commented “blacklist.txt”
comments_file Path to the comments database “comments.txt”
stop_words A list of stop words: don’t follow a user if they have any of these stop words in their description [‘shop’, ‘store’, ‘free’]