
Documentation for Developers

This is documentation for developers, where we provide our bot methods as an API for your needs. Instagram API deprecated practically all of their methods, so we use their mobile API. We are hiding under the mask of mobile phone. Instagram servers think that your requests from instabot are made from some mobile app. By the way we got some cases of ban by them, our mask is not perfect. We are hardly trying to make your requests as safe as they could be. For example, we restricted the amount of likers of some picture til 999.

By the way we hardly recommend you not to use your own account if you don’t need your personal data or don’t want to promote your account.



For the better understanding of how bot works, let’s start with a quick example:

from instabot import Bot

bot = Bot()
bot.login(username="YOUR_LOGIN", password="YOUR_PASSWORD")
user_id = bot.get_user_id_from_username("lego")
user_info = bot.get_user_info(user_id)

The output of program would be greeting phrase from official LEGO account. At the time of writing documentation we got this:

Hello! You made it to the official #LEGO Instagram - where everything is awesome!

Bot Parameters

proxy — Proxy for Instabot.

Default: None.

Example: TODO

max_likes_per_day — How many likes the bot will perform per day.

Default: 1000

max_unlikes_per_day — How many medias the bot will unlike in a day.

Default: 1000

max_follows_per_day — Max number of follow per day.

Default: 350

max_unfollows_per_day — Max number of unfollow per day.

Default: 350

max_comments_per_day — Max number of comments per day.

Default: 100

max_likes_to_like — If the media has more likes then this value — it will be ignored and not be liked.

Default: 200

filter_users — Filter users if True.

Default: True

filter_business_accounts — Filter business accounts if True.

Default: True

filter_verified_accounts — Filter verified accounts if True.

Default: True

max_followers_to_follow — If the user has more followers than this value — the user will not be followed or liked.

Default: 2000

min_followers_to_follow — If the user has fewer followers than this value — the user will not be followed or liked.

Default: 10

max_following_to_follow — If the user has more followings than this value — the user will not be followed or liked.

Default: 10000

min_following_to_follow — If the user has fewer followings than this value — the user will not be followed or liked.

Default: 10

max_followers_to_following_ratio — if the user’s followers/following is greater than this value — the user will not be followed or liked.

Default: 10

max_following_to_followers_ratio — if user’s following/followers is greater than this value — he will not be followed or liked.

Default: 2

min_media_count_to_follow — If the user has fewer media count than this value — the user will not be followed.

Default: 3

max_following_to_block — If the user have a following more than this value — the user will be blocked in blocking scripts because he is a massfollower.

Default: 2000

max_likes_to_like — Max number of likes that can media have to be liked.

Default: 100

like_delay — Delay between likes in seconds.

Default: 10

unlike_delay — Delay between unlikes in seconds.

Default: 10

follow_delay — Delay between follows in seconds.

Default: 30

unfollow_delay — Delay between unfollows in seconds.

Default: 30

comment_delay — Delay between comments in seconds.

Default: 60

whitelist — Path to the file with users that shouldn’t be unfollowed.

Default: whitelist.txt

blacklist — Path to the file with users that shouldn’t be followed, liked or commented.

Default: blacklist.txt

comments_file — Path to the comments database.

Default: comments.txt

base_path — Base directory path for local files such as comments_file, blacklist, whitelist, etc..

Default: ./

stop_words — A list of stop words: don’t follow a user if they have any of these stop words in their description.

Default: [‘shop’, ‘store’, ‘free’]

In all files there are one item per line. So, file:

Good pic!

You should read as ["Nice!", "Great!", "Good pic!"]

Bot Methods

Methods of Bot instance, that you could use as API calls.


login — Method that authenticates you in Instagram.


Example: bot.login(username="YOUR_LOGIN", password="YOUR_PASSWORD")

logout — Loggs you out.


get_user_id_from_username — Get user_id by username.


Example: bot.get_you_medias("lego")

Result: 196743444

get_username_from_user_id — Get username by user_id.


Example: bot.get_you_medias("196743444")

Result: lego

get_media_id_from_link — Get media_id by link on some Instagram post.


Example: bot.get_media_id_from_link("")

Result: 1941760781700579897

get_link_from_media_id — Get link on some Instagram post by media_id.


Example: bot.get_media_id_from_link(1941760781700579897)


Get medias

get_user_medias — Get list of 20 last user’s medias.


Example: bot.get_user_medias("lego")

Result: [1900986973457183396, 1900986921481250054]

get_your_medias — Get list of ids of your last medias.


Example: bot.get_you_medias()

Result: [1900986973457183396, 1900986921481250054]

get_timeline_medias — Get list of media_ids from your timeline feed.

Example: bot.get_timeline_medias()

Result: [1900986973457183396, 1900986921481250054]

get_total_user_medias — Same as get_user_medias, but fetches all of user’s medias.


get_hashtag_medias — Get list of medias by hashtag.

Example: bot.get_hashtag_medias("cats")

Result: [1900986973457183396, 1900986921481250054]

get_geotag_medias — Get list of medias by geotag.

Example: TODO

Get users

get_timeline_users — Get list of users from your timeline feed.

Example: TODO

get_hashtag_users — Get list of users who posted with hashtag.

Example: TODO

get_geotag_users — Get list of users who posted with geotag.

Example: TODO

get_user_followers — Get list of user’s followers.


Example: bot.get_user_followers("lego")

Result: ['6976090614', '4828850852', '6986373483', '7139262982']

get_user_following — Get list of user’s following.


Example: bot.get_user_following("lego")

Result: ['1501782303', '871819364', '4804628891', '45786877']

get_media_likers — Get list of media likers


Example: bot.get_media_likers("1941760781700579897")

Result: ['6976090614', '4828850852', '6986373483', '7139262982']

get_media_commenters — Get list of users who commented on the media

Example: bot.get_media_commenters("1941760781700579897")

Result: ['6976090614', '4828850852', '6986373483', '7139262982']


get_media_comments — Get list of 20 latest media’s comments


Example: bot.get_media_comments("1941760781700579897") Result is a list of such objects:

{'pk': 17848187965317794, 'user_id': 5726722318, 'text': 'Come glasgow', 'type': 0, 'created_at': 1545772239, 'created_at_utc': 1545772239, 'content_type': 'comment', 'status': 'Active', 'bit_flags': 0, 'user': {'pk': 5726722318, 'username': 'dj_gramm', 'full_name': 'KingJellyIG', 'is_private': True, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'profile_pic_id': '1943181535717308400_5726722318', 'is_verified': False}, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'share_enabled': False, 'has_liked_comment': False, 'comment_like_count': 0, 'inline_composer_display_condition': 'never'}

get_media_comments_all — Same as get_media_comments, but with all comments.

get_comment — Get comment from comment file

Example: bot.get_comment(17848187965317794) Result is a comment object:

{'pk': 17848187965317794, 'user_id': 5726722318, 'text': 'Come glasgow', 'type': 0, 'created_at': 1545772239, 'created_at_utc': 1545772239, 'content_type': 'comment', 'status': 'Active', 'bit_flags': 0, 'user': {'pk': 5726722318, 'username': 'dj_gramm', 'full_name': 'KingJellyIG', 'is_private': True, 'profile_pic_url': '', 'profile_pic_id': '1943181535717308400_5726722318', 'is_verified': False}, 'did_report_as_spam': False, 'share_enabled': False, 'has_liked_comment': False, 'comment_like_count': 0, 'inline_composer_display_condition': 'never'}


like — Like media_id.


like_medias — Like medias from list.

Example: bot.like_medias(["1323124", "123141245"])

unlike — Remove like from media.

Example: bot.unlike("12321412512")

unlike_medias — Remove likes from medias in list

Example: bot.unlike_medias(["123", "321"])

like_timeline — Like medias from your timeline feed

Example: bot.like_timeline()

like_user — Like last user’s medias

Example: bot.like_user("activefollower")

like_hashtag — Like last medias with hashtag.

Example: bot.like_hashtag("dog")

like_geotag — Like last medias with geotag

Example: TODO


follow — Follow user.

Example: bot.follow("activefollower")

follow_users — Follow users from list.

Example: bot.follow(["activefollower1", "activefollower2"])

unfollow — Unfollow user.

Example: bot.unfollow("competitor")

unfollow_users — Unfollow users from list.

Example: bot.unfollow_users(["competitor1", "competitor2"])

unfollow_non_followers — Unfollow users who don’t follow you.

Example: bot.unfollow_non_followers()


upload_photo — Uploads photo to your account.

Example: bot.upload_photo("/somephoto.jpg", caption="Nice pic!")

download_photo — Downloads photo by id.

Example: bot.download_photo(["123", filename="somefile.jpg")

download_photos — Downloads photos by ids into given folder.

Example: bot.download_photos(["123","345"], "photos")|